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Jonathan Margulies
Managing Partner

With an extensive background in strategic planning and executive-level advocacy, Jonathan leads Winterberry Group’s research and thought leadership initiatives.

A 20-year industry veteran, Jonathan is a recognized authority on issues of concern to enterprise brands and the technology developers, service providers and financial investors that support their efforts. He has spearheaded dozens of high-profile research publications and led hundreds of intensive consulting engagements. He is a frequent speaker at industry events addressing a range of strategy disciplines specific to the data and digital marketing communities.

Prior to joining the firm, he served as communications director for a 10,000-member New York City labor organization. Earlier, he held positions in communications and digital media at British Airways USA, Burson-Marsteller, Hill & Knowlton and the New York Mets baseball club.

In addition to his work at Winterberry, Jonathan oversees delivery of pro bono consulting services to New York-area non-profit organizations with the Taproot Foundation. He received a B.S. in economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.



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